Jar or cassette wax melter: which is better?

Jar or cassette wax melter: which is better?
Every modern girl struggles with unwanted body hair. How unfortunate they are! But what can you do, if you have them, you need to eliminate them. Girls used to use the easiest and most universal method such as razor. Now, this method is also relevant, but such a pleasure lasts for 2-3 days and then it is again necessary to «fight» with unwanted hair. Nowadays, there are various procedures for removing unwanted hair, such as waxing.

You are aware that there are different types of waxers on the market. Basic as such are cassette and can waxers. But how to make the right choice and do not miss? Read our article and take note!


Individual qualities:

- Powered by the mains, the wax maker heats its contents to the required temperature and this takes no more than a quarter of an hour.
- Thanks to the cassette's roller applicator, it ensures an even, smooth application of wax to the skin.
- The cartridge is a sealed container with a dispenser. This design feature helps to avoid spills, drips and overspray.
- The wax softens the pores of the skin.
- The procedure is virtually painless and there is little or no redness.
- The wax cartridges have different nozzles for applying the substance to large and small areas of the skin.
- Minimal risk of burns to the skin with thin wax application
- Small cassette waxer cartridge size - convenient for travelling
- Low cost and compact design - ideal for beginners.

Some special features:

- There are different models of cassette waxers: with or without a base, and a model with a base for two waxers at once, which is used to speed up the procedure. When the wax in one cools down, simply take the other one from the base!
- If you choose a wax melter without a base, don't forget that the wire attached to it will get in the way a little during waxing.
- When waxing with a cassette waxer, use cartridges that fit snugly into the appliance, otherwise the wax may leak.
- The cartridge waxer is more suitable for home use.

NOTE: It's important to remember that waxing wax can only be applied to dry skin. If the body is wet, it will stretch, the strips are difficult to tear off and there is no complete removal of hair. In such cases a good result cannot be achieved. Allow the skin to dry well and repeat the procedure.
Article on this topic: Wax melter for depilation. Say goodbye to those unwanted hairs


Individual qualities:

- Allows you to melt a large amount of wax at once (400-800ml) - convenient for both salon and home treatments, but less commonly used at home.
- In some models, you can even change the heating level of the material. This makes it possible to use any manufacturer's wax.
- Maintains the temperature of the heated wax for a long time - no need to reheat.
- Easy to control heating.

Certain features:

- The price of a jar waxer is usually higher compared to other models, so it's best if you're not waxing for the first time.
- Cannon waxer is larger in size than the cassette, so this option can safely choose if the procedure is going to only home or in the beauty salon.
- Technology depilation with a can waxer can entail some difficulties, as you need to use a brush, spatula and metal holder.
- The jar waxer is mainly designed for professional use and is often seen by craftsmen in beauty salons.

TIP: If you decide to buy a wax melter for waxing, it is advisable to go to a reputable beauty retailer that offers a guarantee on these devices.

Which waxer to choose depends on your individual preferences, of course. But remember, your skin should always be soft and free of excess hair!

Online shop Global Fashion offers to buy a cassette and can wax melter of very high quality!
Buy cassette wax melter --->
Buy can wax melter --->

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Published: 01.04.2022 18:00 Times Read: 56