A machine manicure is a super technology!

A machine manicure is a super technology!
«Beauty requires sacrifice!», the motto of the fairer sex at all times. Today, modern young ladies strive to «stand out from the crowd», visiting various beauty salons, expensive boutiques, spa centres, gyms, all in order to keep their appearance always on top. It is well known that well-groomed hands are the key to beauty of the modern woman, so the hardware manicure helps to keep your hands in perfect condition.
While the classic trim manicure familiar to all, the hardware manicure came to us not so long ago, and managed in a short time to win love, both masters of manicure and clients.
So, what is the hardware manicure?

Hardware manicure is a fairly simple and comfortable method. It is a modern technology of treating the skin on the nail beds, cuticles around the nails, grinding the skin and nail, getting rid of keratinized skin particles, removing gel varnish, which is performed with a special machine - milling machine, the main tool in this technology. If you're looking for a good milling machine, check out the milling machines here.

Technology has both pluses and minuses, it largely depends on the skill of the master.

Pluses of the hardware manicur

1. Short procedure time
. It's super fast. No need to steam the skin beforehand, as the device only works on dry skin.
2. Even the most problematic areas can be treated with the cutter.
Master uses different nozzles (cutters) for different tasks, which also facilitates and speeds up his work: without changing the tool, you can remove cuticles, file or grind a nail plate and change the shape of the nail.
3. Gentle buffing prevents nail breakage. The technician removes only keratinized fragments of the skin, without touching or damaging healthy areas. At the same time, the efficiency of the manicure is not reduced.
4. Easy disinfection of tools. Instruments for a manicure machine are easy to disinfect - almost any method is suitable. They can also be treated with ultrasound or in a dry oven (depending on the material from which the nozzle is made).
5. Duration of effect. On those areas where hardware manicure is used, the skin grows back much slower, you need to go to the master less often.
6. Safety for the skin and nail plate. Considered to be safer, it is not at all traumatic, during the procedure the master does not use cutting tools.
7. Sterility of the procedure. This type of treatment ensures absolute sterility and eliminates the possibility of infection.
8. Nails are smoother and healthier looking. Thanks to this technique, the technician can achieve a much more symmetrical nail shape, the edges of the nail plate look perfectly straight and tidy.
9. No pain. Client doesn't feel any pain during this procedure, if an experienced technician is working on it.
10. Ability to work with natural or artificial nails. The nozzles allow you to treat the cuticle well without damaging the gel or acrylic.

The disadvantages of a hardware manicure

1. Inability to treat nails that are too thin. This method is definitely not suitable for people with thin cuticles and nails, or if the client's nails are in a neglected condition.
2. Inexperienced craftsmen. A procedure performed by an inexperienced technician can be somewhat painful. During a hardware manicure, the patient may feel a burning sensation, not a very pleasant vibration.
3. Cleanliness. Manicure using a special machine does not allow to achieve the purity that is available with a classic, trim manicure.
4. Requires time to learn the technique of hardware manicure. It is necessary to choose a good master. If you are a master and are looking for the right equipment, we recommend looking into our online shop Global Fashion.

On a side note: In short, a manicure machine is a must-have, useful, makes the craftsman's job easier and improves the quality of your manicure. But for it to be really so, it must be used only by an experienced specialist with certain skills.

How to use the right machine for manicure

1. When using the machine, the nozzle should be moved from the centre of the cuticle to the edge, and the device should be handled like a regular pen.
2. Use a medium to low abrasivity cutter and rotating speed should not exceed 12,000-15,000 rpm.
3. Do not hold the device on one point: this can cause burning or injury.
4. All attachments should be selected according to the condition of your nails. For flaky, brittle and damaged nails, use soft tips.
5. You can perform a machine manicure only on dry nails and you should not steam bath the skin beforehand. If you require a manicure device, you may want to look here

Indications and contraindications for a manicure machine

You can get hardware manicures in a salon and also at home if you have the right equipment and certain skills. It also has indications and contraindications. Namely:

- Hand care
- Dry skin around the nails
- Extended nails
- Rapidly growing cuticle

- Skin inflammations
- Fungal diseases
- Swollen cuticle
- Vessels close to the skin surface
- Open wounds in the nail area
Diabetes mellitus and other chronic diseases in a severe form would be an absolute contraindication.

We do not know about you, but we think that the one who invented such a cool technology as hardware manicure, is the «Big Boy». We really hope this material comes in handy and helps you in the future.

Read also:

1. How to choose a manicure lamp? Let's understand the nuances!
2. Manicure router. Manicure art helper
3. Manicure extractor. Master and client safety
4. Cutters for a hardware manicure. How to choose?
5. Hardware pedicure - convenient and easy 
Published: 24.03.2022 10:22 Times Read: 130